Thursday, May 27, 2021

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Call for Submissions

IMPERFECT II: poems about perspective for middle schoolers

Being human means losing perspective sometimes. We focus on the one negative comment instead of the ten positive ones. We think we're the only one who had something really embarrassing happen to us, or that we won't be able to get out from under a problem we're having. Just like an artist draws using perspective to show the larger picture, poetic perspective can help us have a balanced view.

History House Publishers is having an open call for submissions for IMPERFECT II which will end June 30th.

Possible topics:
Taking baby steps when you are overwhelmed
Not making a mountain out of a molehill
Feeling something good that happens (not minimizing it)
Not assuming it is about you
Not taking insults to heart
Finding the good
Being your own measuring stick (not comparing yourself to others)
Not blaming yourself for things you didn't have control over
Avoiding negative self-talk
Is it really a catastrophe?
Other perspective-related things...

Poems can be any form. Submit as many poems as you would like. Funny, serious, historical, dual language...we are looking for all different takes on the topics at hand for our middle school audience.

Please include your name, email address, and mailing address with your poem. Send your submission to by June 30th. A selection committee will blind-read the poems and acceptances will be sent out by September. Young poets can submit, with permission of their guardian. Poets will be paid $25 per poem and a paperback copy of IMPERFECT II.

Thank you for your support of this project! 


Thursday, May 13, 2021